Dec 22, 2008
I love u...!!!
Dec 11, 2008
~迷失方向,lost ~
feels so lost recently... really dunno wat will be my next step or wat will i do.... i started to hate my job very much, i dun feel like i'm capable at all already OR i'm still getting used to this company culture... i reall dunno.. but i hate coming back to this office... people is good here but not the working environment and the system... boss starting to pressure me to go out and search for new clientele (but wat i remember that, when i sign my agreement that time, searching for new client is not part of my job scope but is his. He told me that only after 2 years he will expect me to get new client into this company, but i'm only in this company for 8months) Ok i understand economy now is bad, so everyone is suffering and next year will be worse. The worse part is he wanted me to get client to do TVC.... c'mmon la... company that can afford TVC will be big company and mostly big company are all attached with big international agency... wat do u wanna me to do.. steal account from my previous ex agency... i dun think i can do it... wat type of profile i can present to client that gonna convince them to do TVC with us, NONE... we are strong in BTL but not ATL... and my boss dare to come n tell me he dunwan to me to pitch for BTL becoz if BTL he got plenty of it dy....damn it...!!!! Aaarrgggggghhhhhh... i can't stand it anymore la.....!!!!! i'm waiting for my ex-company to reply me.... they are the one who come back n counter offer me back, when everything goes smoothly and got confirmed, suddenly the economy have to be so bad until my application needs to put on hold till further notice.... f**k man .... i hate this situation n i hate everything right now.....

Dec 2, 2008

Oct 16, 2008
~ Happy Birthday to ME ~
Oct 7, 2008
~ enough is enough ~
so ENOUGH is ENOUGH...!!!!
Sep 29, 2008
Aug 27, 2008
~ 有口难言 ~
Aug 14, 2008
~ stay away, 距离 ~
too many negative emotion is in me, i'm starting to get out of the way, i'm starting to loose myself... i cannot think properly now... i need to cool down, i need some space for me to think.... please stay away from me, i dunwan to hurt anyone that i care so much for, by me bursting out any unnessacery comment or complaint... i need to be alone, i just wanna talk to myself... i'm so sorry !!!
Aug 13, 2008
~ happiness, 快乐 ~
Aug 12, 2008
~ 下一个天亮 = wait until the next sunrise ~
用起伏的背影 擋住哭泣的心
有些故事 不必說給 每個人聽
許多眼睛 看的太淺太近
錯過我沒被看見 那個自己
用簡單的言語 解開超載的心
有些情緒 是該說給 懂的人聽
你的熱淚 比我激動憐惜
我發誓要更努力 更有勇氣
等下一個天亮 去上次牽手賞花那裡散步好嗎
等下一個天亮 把偷拍我看海的照片送我好嗎
請容許我 小小的驕傲
p/s: I love u
Aug 11, 2008
~ i just wanna hold ur hand till de end of time ~
never for once think that i wanna you to spend all ur time with me
never for once think that i wanna you to change drasticly to suit me
never for once think i wanna stop u from pathing ur way for a better future
never for once think that i just know how to complaint about things i dislike
Please keep in mind:
i'm just a normal human being that has emotion and will blast it out when i can't take it
i will do anything to support whatever u need to do
i will stand behind you, when u turn around u will know tat i will be there waiting for u
i just wanna hold ur hand till the end of time
last but not least - i love u so so much...!!!!
Aug 8, 2008
~ Happy 08-08-08 ~
Aug 7, 2008
~ 七夕 = chinese valentines day ~
would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone happy 七夕(qi si). May all of the people out there have a great day with their loves one, if not enjoy ur day ya...!!!
Jul 28, 2008
~ new toy - Panasonic FX-30 ~
~ trying it without putting on the flash ~
~ normal mode ~
~ little boy - greg ~
~ poser Charles and innocent me ~
~ Handsome Aibo ~
more picture will be post up in de future ... muhahahah
Jul 26, 2008
~ like only a women can ~
Like Only a Women Can by Brian McFadden
I wasn't perfect
I done a lot of stupid things
Still no angel
I wasn't looking for forgiveness
I wasn't laid up by my pride
Just shocked by her attention
Did someone sign me up for love?
I didn't want it
But now I can't live without it
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
She's kinda perfect
She's kinda everything I'm not
Yes, she's an angel
It's amazing how she's patient
Even more at times I'm not
She's my conscience
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
Like only a woman can
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
hmmm.... cannot post up the youtube, dunno why....
Jul 25, 2008
~ 理性与感性~
她问他:“如果,要你从这一班女性朋友里面,拿出她们的优点,然后在拼出一个女朋友。 你会怎样拼?”
他说:“我要你的眼,鼻子、嘴巴和面型要和盈的一样。皮肤呢,就要想琪的一样百嫩。 然后,内在呢我要她的坚强,而我要盈的包容、谅解、不顾一切的付出和对我那一种不离不舍的精神。”
他是一个很理性的人而我是一个很感性的人。。。然而,在茫茫人海里, 他遇见了我,我遇见了他。。。 我们的爱情故事就是这样开始了。。。。
Jul 1, 2008
~ What men feels.. ~
The Man Rules
At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down
Finally , the guys' side of the story.
( I must admit, it's pretty good.)
We always hear ' the rules '
From the female side.
Now here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules!
Please note.. these are all numbered '1 '
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon
or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.
Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one
1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials..
1. Captain Cook did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colours, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched.
We do that
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really .
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or
motor sports or tantric sex involving more than 2 females.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape
Jun 19, 2008
~ 恍然大悟 / Realize ~
After chatting with my friend, only i notice how naive and childish i can be when it comes to relationship. i guess i have to stop watching all those taiwan series, when they always have a perfect guy that do the rite thing at the rite time. My friend make me realize alot of thing today, and finally i notice all those unnessacery urguement with u, is because of my childish behaviour. i care too much on how u care about me, for example like why didn;t u ask me how's my day at work or even just send me a sms asking how am i, but when u actually show it in other way. i'm too blind to see all this thing tat u have done for me.our relantioship has enter to a different kind of level, whereas i still wanted to stay at the begining stage of our relationship. i know i have created many unnessacery problem for you, while u are now concerntrating on ur career and future, i'm so sorry baby. i always tot tat i'm very understanding and all but it turns out to be i'm de one who's giving u nonsense problem which u dun expect from me and I should be one who to give u the lesser problem as possible. Baby, i finally understant it and i know is quite late for me to understand the thing tat u have been telling me all the while, but well i finally REALIZE..!!!
p.s: I love u
Jun 17, 2008
~ 眼泪 ~
Jun 14, 2008
~ 你好吗? ~
Jun 13, 2008
~ 心情好闷 ~
Jun 2, 2008
~ p.s I Love You ~
May 28, 2008
~ 理所当然 ~
朋友: 我是不能容忍我的男友在我面前和其它人过度亲热... 就算他们是很要好的朋友,也不能在这麽多人面前当我是透明的... 那是很不尊重我.. 我不能接受...
我: 哈哈... 我以经麻木了.. 这就是他啊.. 改变不了的习惯...不然,你要我这么办....
朋友: 你应该要让他明白, 这是不好受的感觉啊... 给他知道, 这是一种尊重. 他这样做,外面的人会这样看你和他...
我: 唉...他是不会理回人家对他的看发的啦...对他来说, 最重要是我能够了解.. 那就够了...
朋友: 喂... 你的火和脾气到底去了那里... 你以前不是这样子的...
我 : 哈哈.. 我也觉得很奇怪啊... 可能, 是报应吧...
朋友: 可是, 这样讲还是说不过去啦... 难到你不会妒嫉吗??? 你不想要让他知道,你的感受吗?
我: 嫉妒...??? 好久没有了这种感觉... 以经忘了嫉妒是这样的感觉... 或则我是不敢吧...因为太了解他了, 知道他是个这样的男人.所以,以经学会不去做会让他反感的事情... 我会尽量去配合... 哈哈, 我知道我以经变了, 太多人和我说过,我不是以前的丽盈了..可能,爱一个人真的会改变吧.... 或许是我太过爱他了吧...每一个人的牺牲程度都不一样吧..我以经学会不去记交谁爱的比交多谁爱的比交少... 我知想要他过的开心而我不会是他的包袱... 我只是想做那个当他须要一个人来给他依靠和温暖的人... 哈哈.. 你应该很吓到吧.....
朋友: 你好力害, 真佩服你...!!! 你真的是一个"为仔死,为仔亡"的苯女人....
我: 习惯成自然吗...!!!
朋友: 我是怕他以经当成你所做的东西是理所当然的事了....
理所当然 - 他有吗 ? 可能吧!!! 他会珍惜我所做的事情吗? 会吧!!! 那他爱我吗? 爱!!! 可是,爱一个人真的要牺牲和改变的那么多吗? 这我也不知道........ 不如,你来帮我回答吧......
~ 15 simple ways to keep your partner happy ~
"So you're in a relationship and your partner starts nagging. She tells you that you just don't understand her, and that she really wishes that you would just do more "little things."
It's not the big things that make her happy; it's paying attention to the little details and showing you care that is really meaningful. She doesn't necessarily need lavish gifts -- she needs to know you're thinking about her.
Here are some ideas to get you started doing these "little things" she really wants:
1. Rub her feet instead of asking her if she wants you to rub her feet. Make it look like you want to do it.
2. Make her dinner one night. Don't ask her if she wants you to make dinner. Make her dinner before she gets home.
3. Light a candle so that she arrives home to a nice environment instead of coming home to the glaring lights of the television and other things.
4. Send her a text in the middle of the day telling her "I miss your smile from this morning" or "Last night was amazing!" or "The conversation we had last night was great."
5. Send an eCard in the middle of the day... something cute to remind her how much you really care about her.
6. If she's going on a business trip, offer to drive her to the airport or pick her up to make her life that much easier.
7. Let her have control of the remote control. Don't monopolize it for a change. Just give it to her and let her actually sit there and enjoying watching one of her shows. Then you can share one of her interests by watching it with her.
8. Offer to iron one of her shirts or take her clothes to the dry cleaner.
9. Clean up the bathroom without being asked. Don't just sit there and ignore the mess around the toilet. If you know it drives her crazy to see water splashed all around the sink, dry that area after you use it.
10. If you work out together, enjoy it with her instead of rushing through your own workout and then not letting her workout at the same time.
11. Take a shower together, then wash her hair, scrub her back, and give her a spa treatment. Do this and enjoy it!
12. The next time she gives you a massage, give her a massage the next day. Offer it! Don't just say you'll give her a it!
13. Surprise her by making plans. Tell her, "We're going out tonight honey." You can even just go out for a drink or dinner somewhere. It's taking the initiative that's important.
14. Decide on and set aside one night a week as date night. Have a date like when you first started dating.
15. Call her in the middle of the day and just say hello. Don't wait for her to call you.
It can be simple to keep her satisfied. It's not necessarily about what you give her financially or what gifts you give her. That's a cop out. It's the little things. The guy who makes the biggest mistake is the one who ignores their significant other then all of a sudden give them an expensive gift to make up for it. That doesn't make up for it at all."
May 23, 2008
~ My new frenz ~
Anyway yesterday nite is the 1st time i go out to have dinner and drinking session with my new colleague (to celebrate my boss and my copy writer bday).. we had so much of fun in the chinese restourant, the place is having a wedding function and guess what type of music they put..."TECHNO", we were like laughing and there's a aunty/ entertainer sing on the stage (typical chinese wedding), and guess wat she's wearing, a full gold + glitter dress and later she went and change to a full red bra top dress.. we was like WTF and al the song tat she sing is all techno remix version... after the TECHNO dinner, we went to red bar in kota damansara, haih~~ another crappy place, loads of old fart and ugly PR girls entertaining the MALE customer... But wat to do, my bosses like to hang out in this kind of place so have to folllow lo, but if i have a chance to orgazine a nite out, i will definately bring them to see places where full of hot chic muhahahahaha... on another hand, i'm suck a suck drinker, 3 glass and i'm high...luckily charles came and rescue me, but he is high too (he come from No Black Tie event) ... but overall, it was a great nite out and i hope that i have break the ice between all of them...
The Techno Dinner Place
Ben (my Boss) Peace Pose
Apr 30, 2008
~ 16 months ~
Its been 16month we're together, many things happen in between - arguement, break up, back together...we learn from each other, we learn to be more flexible, understanding and our relationship grew more mature and stronger from time to time... i would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to you, Thanks for:-
o feeding me medicine, when i say something really stupid ;p
o taking care of me
o coming all the way from cheras to take me out for lunch
o holding my hand so tight although we have fall asleep
o making me the special girl in your life
o listening to all my stupid complaint that happen in de office
o supoprting me in many many ways
o your advise whenever i need it
o spending your time with me
o all the small small thing you do for me, although i know you dun like to mention about it but i know it...
o last but not least, thanks for loving me
So i would like to wish us both happy 16 month anniversary, I LOVE YOU...!!!
Gei Wo Ni De Ai
Give Me Your Love
Artist: TANK
等待 一點一滴 你對我感到安心
Deng dai yi dian yi di ni dui wo gan dao an xin
Wait bit by bit [until] you can feel at ease toward me
感覺 朋友關係 有了新的默契
Gan jue peng you guan xi you le xin de mo qi
Feelings, in regards to friendship, a new silent understanding has developed
便利商店裡 誰也買不到
Bian li shang dian li shei ye mai bu dao
[The things] Inside the convenience store, who can’t afford to buy?
我們最想要的東西 只握在 喜歡的人手上
Wo men zui xiang yao de dong xi zhi wo zai xi huan de ren shou shang
The thing that we want the most is held in the hands of the one we like
給我你的愛 讓我陪著你去未來
Gei wo ni de ai rang wo pei zhe ni qu wei lai
Give me your love, let me walk together with you to see tomorrow [the future]
給我你的愛 手拉著手 不放開
Gei wo ni de ai shou la zhe shou bu fang kai
Give me your love, hands holding hands, never let go
就算宇宙爆炸 海水都蒸發
Jiu suan yu zhou bao zha hai shui doi zheng fa
Even if the universe explodes, the ocean evaporates
只願你的記憶裡 有我的擁抱
Zhi yuan ni de ji yi li you wo de yong bao
My only wish is that you’ll have my embrace in your memory
我的 最大幸褔 是發現了我愛你
Wo de zui da xing fu shi fa xian le wo ai ni
My greatest joy is to find out that I love you
靈魂 有了意義
Ling hun you le yi yi
My soul now has meanings
Yong mei yi tian zhen xi
To cherish each day
便利商店裡 誰也買不到
Bian li shang dian li shei ye mai bu dao
[The things] Inside the convenience store, who can’t afford to buy?
我們最想要的東西 只握在 喜歡的人手上
Wo men zui xiang yao de dong xi zhi wo zai xi huan de ren shou shang
The thing that we want the most is held in the hands of the one we like
給我你的愛 讓我陪著你去未來
Gei wo ni de ai rang wo pei zhe ni qu wei lai
Give me your love, let me walk together with you to see tomorrow [the future]
給我你的愛 手拉著手 不放開
Gei wo ni de ai shou la zhe shou bu fang kai
Give me your love, hands holding hands, never let go
就算宇宙爆炸 海水都蒸發
Jiu suan yu zhou bao zha hai shui doi zheng fa
Even if the universe explodes, the ocean evaporates
只願你的記憶裡 有我的擁抱
Zhi yuan ni de ji yi li you wo de yong bao
My only wish is that you’ll have my embrace in your memory
雨和天空也有 相愛的可能
Yu he tian kong ye you xiang ai de ke neng
The rain and the sky also have the possibility to fall in love
望著妳的微笑 情不自禁
Wang zhe ni de wei xiao qing bu zi jin
Gazing at your smile makes me lose myself
給我你的愛 讓我陪著你去未來
Gei wo ni de ai rang wo pei zhe ni qu wei lai
Give me your love, let me walk together with you to see tomorrow [in this context it means the future]
給我你的愛 手拉著手 不放開
Gei wo ni de ai shou la zhe shou bu fang kai
Give me your love, hands holding hands, never let go
就算宇宙爆炸 海水都蒸發
Jiu suan yu zhou bao zha hai shui doi zheng fa
Even if the universe explodes, the ocean evaporates
只願你的記憶裡 有我的擁抱
Zhi yuan ni de ji yi li you wo de yong bao
My only wish is that you’ll have my embrace in your memory
Apr 28, 2008
~ my weekend ~
then only at nite we will go out to have fun ( v r like vampire, only can go out at nite)... some of my fren dun understand how can i take this kind of lifestyle, where just staying at home sleep and watch anime... muhahahha.. but too bad we really enjoy it very much... i guess this is why we can be with each other... muhahahaha...
This is for you my dear:

Apr 15, 2008
~ Bonus e-lek ~
Apr 11, 2008
~ Umbrella (Acoustic) ~
You have my heart
And we'll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines
But you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share
When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart
When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
You can run into my arms
It's okay don't be alarmed
Come into me
There's no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more
When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
It's raining
Ooh baby it's raining
Baby come into me
Come into me
It's raining
Oh baby it's raining
~ Finally my letter got accepted ~

me and my god-father "Ah Low"
Feb 26, 2008
~ cry baby ~
anyway take care everyone, dun over stress urself like me...
with luv, xoxo
Feb 18, 2008
update on me
Someone told me recently that i have lower tolerance level and also very short temper...hmmm it actually make me wonder for a while... did i really change without me noticing it... i really dunno.. but what i know is everytime when i tot is a sunny day but in de end it will turn out to be a thunder + heavy rain nite...maybe i'm goin thru a monsoon season but definately i dun mean to hurt anyone close to me, tat's the least i wanna do... so i'm taking this opportunity to apologize to those i have accidentally hurt or cause pain in their heart, i really really dun mean it... Please forgive me.. i know is been a rough ride but i promis u tat it will soon to be over and it will goes back to the normal clear blue sea ok... please gimme sometime to calm the wave...
Last but not least.. i love you guys n my baby too..... take care...
love xoxo
Jan 25, 2008
~ My Blog ~
First of all, welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping by and spend a bit of your precious time to check out what i can write, but dun expect much from me as i'm not a good writer and dun be suprise that there'll be loads of lyrics upload in my blog. I guess that's the way for me to express on my feeling. Oh well, if i'm not in de lazy mood, i definately will post up photo too...hehehe ^_^ ...
Alrite, i guess that's about it for my first entry here.... so take care n see you soon...!!!
v i c k y